
Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Different Kind of Bridal Party

Sometimes the vast sums of money spent on weddings these days can be absurd.  Admittedly, our wedding day can be one of the most important of our lives, but it isn't the caterers or the string quartet or the expensive venue or the limousine that makes it special.  Family and friends make it special.

In that light, we're pleased to highlight a cause that we think is well worth the money.  My husband's college roommate and best friend has been asked by his sister to walk her down the aisle and give her away at the altar as she takes her religious vows in Florence, Italy.  She will be joining the Sisters Adorers Of the Royal Heart of Jesus, the female branch of the Institute of Christ the King.  What this world needs are more habit-wearing nuns, seriously.  

Please consider donating if some of your charitable budget hasn't yet been earmarked.  We're talking about a great little Catholic family with a couple of kids and no realistic hope of dredging up a spare $2000 for trans-Atlantic travel on their own.  Even a little can go a long way.  Thanks!

"Help Me See My Sister Become a Nun!"


  1. That is great news, and definitely a worthy cause!

  2. Thank you for mentioning this! It hadn't even occurred to me to post it on my own blog; now I feel silly.

    Speaking of special days, your wedding was one of my favorites. Low-key, beautiful, lots of great people there. Goes to show less is more.

    1. Thank you! I think that was the result of lack of sufficient planning rather than any grand design, but it suited us just fine. :)
